Reshaping data management through innovative, agnostic, and scalable solutions

Our goal is to empower organizations with modular, interoperable data products that decentralize data architectures, enrich data automatically, and accelerate decision-making.

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One solution on one single platform - Raven

Raven offers an easy way of data fusion based on data mesh principles. It allows users to enrich data by applying AI where possible and to bring a 'human in the loop' where needed. Manage your automations from one single platform as a service or console if on-premise or air-gapped deployment is required.

Raven is suitable for any organization dealing with siloed data sources or incompatible data systems

Work smarter by encompassing all your data needs in one agnostic platform. Enrich your data and create a strong common operational picture for solid, fast, and data-driven decision-making.

Solving the unsolvable for the world's biggest industries

The solution we provide with our Raven platform exceeds most of our customers' expectations. CIO's and CISO's of big enterprises never thought they could streamline all data flows so seamlessly under the umbrella of just one platform. This is where accuracy meets simplicity.

Discover all solutions

Our Raven platform is fast, easy-to-use, multipurpose and scalable

Available on-premise or as SaaS, DTACT Raven easily integrates with open source, proprietary and third-party software.

Have the evidence ready at your fingertips to join forces with local law enforcement agencies and the threat intelligence community to bring the fight to cybercriminals.

Want to know more?

Raven: a trusted solution in a wide Variety of fields. From Cybersecurity to Water Management. From Military Operations to Health care.

With foundational roots in Cybersecurity and Defense, DTACT carries information security and compliance to the most stringent standards in their DNA. Your data is safe with us.

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